of mice and men chapter 5 questions
In Chapter 5 in Of Mice and Men what contrast is set up by the scene of the men playing horseshoes. Says I was a natural.
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When Curleys wife asks Lennie why he likes rabbits so much what is his response.

. Initial reactions to Chapter 5. At the sides the feeding. What did Lennie do to the puppy.
What reason does Curleys wife give Lennie for wanting to talk to him. What happened to Lennies puppy and why. What do you think his rationale is in doing this.
Because He doesnt want him to accidentally hurt her and ruin their chances of getting their dream home. He has a very messed up view on life. Why does George say Lennie will want to sleep in the barn.
She wanted to be an actress. Despite the descriptive setting of the barn and the quiet Sunday afternoon the next chapter begins with an accident. Do you think this is the type of bad thing George was anticipating.
Explain what happens and why Lennie is so worried. Of Mice and Men Chapter 5 Questions. Where does Lennie go right after he kills Curleys wife.
Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools. What happened to Lennies puppy. How does this reflect his personality.
What bad thing do you think he is referring to. Slim tells George that if they just catch Lennie he would be strapped down and caged which would be worse than death. 1 How have Curleys wifes dreams for her life changed or been lost.
Use your Note-Taking chart to keep important notes for each chapter and to help you. Learn everything about this book. Study sets textbooks questions.
Start studying of mice and men chapter 5 and 6 comprehension questions. Why were George and Lennie run out of Weed. Lennies little puppy is dead he is.
The narrator says that the sound of the men shouting as they play horseshoes can be heard from inside the barn. HAS A CROOKED VIEW ON LIFE. Check out the study guide for Of Mice and Men.
What two pieces of information does Curleys wife share with Lennie. Because George and Lennie knew her before and didnt want anyone finding out. View Of Mice and Men Chapter 5 Study Questions chapter 5docx from ELA 11 at Jefferson High School Lafayette.
Of Mice and Men Chapter Questions. Soons he got back to Hollywood he was gonna write to me about it. Of Mice and Men.
Comprehension - Of Mice and Men -Chapter 5. Lennie killed it by snapping its neck because he thought the puppy was going to bite him. 13 rows Of Mice and Men Chapter 3 Questions.
The hay came down like a mountain slope to the other end of the barn and there was a level place as yet unfilled with the new crop. Page 91 Lennie says I done another bad thing. In chapter 5 we learn that Curleys wife.
Candys greatest fear is that they will not get the farm. To give you a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of the novel answer. Despite the descriptive setting of the barn and the quiet.
Up to 24 cash back Of Mice Men Name. Up to 24 cash back Of Mice and Men- Comprehension Questions Chapter 1 1. Curlys Wifes American dream is to become a famous actress.
Lennie has killed his puppy by bouncing it too hard. Carlson follows Curley out of the barn going for his Luger. Because George doesnt like her.
Page 92 Lennie discard the dead puppy to lessen the situation. Met Curley at the Riverside Dance Palace. Why did he stop.
The first group contains questions around plot characters conflict and setting. Of Mice and Men. File Type PDF Of Mice And Men Questions Answers Chapter 5 Of Mice And Men Questions Answers Chapter 5 As recognized adventure as with ease as experience practically lesson amusement as capably as accord can be gotten by just checking out a ebook of mice and men questions answers chapter 5 afterward it is.
CHAPTER 5 Comprehension 1. From outside came the clang of horseshoes. What two imaginary visitors does Lennie have while sitting on the river.
Curleys wife tells him about her dream to be an actressmovie star she could have been famous and she tells him. Because George thinks she is mean. Of Mice and Men Chapter 5 Study.
Of Mice and Men Chapter 5 The questions below are arranged into two large categories. 9th - 10th grade. Upgrade to remove ads.
Met a guy who said he could get her into the movies in Hollywood. Chapter 5 of mice and men. 5 Why is Crooks called Crooks.
Of Mice and Men Chapter 3 Questions STUDY Flashcards Learn Write Spell Test PLAY Match Gravity Why does George say Lennie will want to sleep in the barn that Friday night. Up to 24 cash back Of Mice and Men Chapter 5 The end of the great barn was piled high with new hay and over the pile hung the four-taloned Jackson fork suspended from its pulley. What things does Lennie do and say that make him like a child.
What is her American Dream. Curley immediately blames Lennie saying he will go for his shotgun and shoot Lennie in the guts. OfMice and Men chapter 5 questions.
When Slim asks George where Lennie might be George tells Slim Lennie would have gone south. Based on what you have learned in the first chapter describe Lennie. Carlson Whit Curley and Crooks come back in the barn with Candy and following them George.
What was Lennies reaction to the puppy being dead. Chapter 5 takes place on a Sunday a day when the migrant workers can relax and enjoy themselves. Angela is a college student.
What scenes of death does Steinbeck describe in the beginning of Chapter 6 that parallel the events of the previous chapter and foreshadow the event to come. In what ways does Lennie show that he is confused and nervous. We created a page to help you study this book.
He is mad at the puppy because it died and he throws the puppy at the wall. She states He says he was gonna put me in the movies. He has a broken back.
How does the chapter bring the book full circle. Read chapter 5 and answer the following questions about Curleys Wife. The following questions using complete sentences on a separate sheet of paper.
Based on what you have learned in the first chapter describe George. Was offered a chance to travel with a group of traveling actors.
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